The BlogPro Blog
The BlogPro Blog
Easy-to-use, Notion blog builder
The latest news, tips, and how-to articles on BlogPro.
The latest news, tips, and how-to articles on BlogPro.

How to Write Your First Blog Post in 10 Simple Steps
Start your blogging journey with confidence using this step-by-step guide.

Blogs vs. Newsletters: Which One Should Your Brand Focus on in 2025?
It's the big showdown: Blogs vs. Newsletters!

Best Medium Alternatives for Publishing Your Content
Find the Perfect Blogging Platform for Your Needs

Notion’s Evolution From Startup Dream to a $10 Billion Powerhouse
How Notion Became a Game-Changer for Businesses and Entrepreneurs
Most Popular Types of Blogs You Can Start & Monetize
Most profitable blogging niches and how you can monetize them effectivelyy.
Top Blogging Platforms for Writers (Free & Paid) – Choose the Best One for You
Discover the Best Blog Sites for Writers & Find the Perfect Platform to Share Your Voice
고객님들이 BlogPro를 선택한 이유
블로그프로를 쓰시는 분들의 자발적인 후기를 모읍니다. 광고나 협찬 없이, 순수하게 여러분의 경험을 들려주세요.

Hiding Draft Pages
At times, you are actively working on a blog but can’t finish writing it in one sitting. Or you finish writing your blog post but want to make it visible to the public later on. This is where the “hidden” property comes in play.When creating a blog
Social media image (og:image)
BlogPro automatically creates the url cover image for social media like X (formerly Twitter) and Instagarm. BlogPro uses either the Notion page cover image or automatically create a default image using the page title, site type, page creation date
Supported Notion Blocks
BlogPro supports most of Notion's editing capabilities, ensuring your blog posts retain their rich formatting and style.
How “Is Page” Works
This is about page template for creators.
개인 블로그 플랫폼 추천 2024
BlogPro를 만들기 위해 모든 블로깅 플랫폼을 직접 사용해봤어요. 이 글에서는 블로그 플랫폼들을 사용 용도별로 나누어 추천해드리려 합니다.
Best Blog Platforms for writers in 2024
5 Best Blogging Platforms for writers in 2024
Best Blogging Tools for Beginners in 2024
In this post, we'll look at the top user-friendly blogging tools, judge them based on ease of use, SEO, and monetization features.
How to Start an Affiliate Marketing Blog
Step by step guide for starting a affiliate marketing blog for beginners
How to Start a Book Blog
How to Start a Book Review Blog using Notion: A Beginner's Guide.
BlogPro Affiliate Program
Join the BlogPro Affiliate Program to earn a 50% lifetime commission on referrals, with payouts via Wise. Requirements include creating a blog with BlogPro and sharing a testimonial. Sign up to start earning today!
5 Best Notion to Blog tools in 2024
In this guide, we'll explore the top 5 Notion blogging platforms for startups and creators.
Using Notion as CMS for bloggers
Learn why the latest startups and creators use Notion as CMS over Wordpress
3 SEO Reasons to Choose BlogPro for Your Notion-Based Blog
BlogPro is a Notion plugin that seamlessly integrates essential SEO features into your Notion blog, helping you create content that ranks high and drives organic traffic.
노션 블로그, BlogPro로 검색 엔진 최적화 완료!
읽기 좋은 URL, 동적 사이트맵, 매력적인 OG 이미지: BlogPro로 SEO 끝판왕 되기
노션 유저를 위한 블로깅 플랫폼 BlogPro 런칭!
블로그 운영, 어려우셨죠? 옵시디안이나 노션 같은 노트 앱에서 글을 쓰고, Ghost 같은 플랫폼에 복사 붙여넣기 하는 번거로운 과정. 그런데 종종 포맷이 깨져서 다시 확인하고 수정해야 하는 불편함까지.. 새로운 글을 쓰거나 업데이트할 때마다 두 군데에서 작업해야 하니 정말 골치 아픈 일이었습니다. 😩하지만 이제 BlogPro와 함께라면 블로깅이 쉬워집니다! BlogPro는 노션 사용자를 위해 만들어진 블로깅 플랫폼으로, 다음 3가지 핵심
Best blogging platform for small businesses—BlogPro
BlogPro simplifies blogging for small businesses by integrating with Notion, offering effortless setup, automated syncing, built-in SEO features, and 99% free services, making it a cost-effective alternative to traditional platforms like WordPress and Ghost.
Why we are starting BlogPro
Hi there!
I’m Hongbeom, the co-founder of BlogPro. A little bit of backstory on why we decided to start BlogPro. By day, I spend my time building xbase. We manage all our business operations using Notion and wanted to launch a blog with our Notion
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